Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 1: 500 Cal

Today is my first Day and its almost noon. I've not eaten or drank anything all morning but i haven't been up too long. I like too keep myself busy and try not to think about food at all. Today goals is to get my blog looking better, i guess the more time i put in to my blog the less ill have to worry about eating.

At around 1 or 130 my mom made me take her to the bank and go to Walmart for our bi weekly food shopping, so at least i got to pick some healthy foods.

After we got home i did end up having to make lunch for her and i while she went to the bank again because she forgot that she needed rolls of change for the garage sail this weekend.
I made Tuna fish sandwiches with mixed veggies on the side with crystal light orange to drink

Tuna 2ounces                                                                                            50    Cals
Bread for tuna 2 whole wheat slices                                                           150  Cals
Steamed Vegetable 3ounces                                                                      30    Cals
Orange Chystal  Light 12ounces                                                                10     Cals
                                                                                                           = 240     Cals for lunch

only ate half the vegies my moms took some of mine

This means i have only 260 or less cals to eat with nick gets home from work, maybe i can say ate alot with my mother today and i wont have to eat with him. :D

To be continued..

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